Maligawathe – even more shocking

Assalamu alaikum We had about 500 people today and I spoke to them for  about an hour. guess what??? About 90% of them do not know  to recite  the Quran, were eager to learn it, even the old ones about 95% have not seen a translation of the Quran in their lives!  and 95% of […]

(433)Urgent: Torrential rain in Polonnaruwa leaves people homeless

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmathullahi Wabarakthuhu There is terrible floods in Polannaruwa area and three other districts and about 800,000 people are displaced. Their houses had totally been drowned by the flood and all their possessions have been washed away. Most Muslims who left their homes are not living in camps rather in known people’s homes. We […]

(432) Request for assistance to buy a land for Darunnusra

Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu. Request for assistance to buy a land for Darunnusra As you are aware, Almuslimaath runs a transient home for orphans and destitute children in Dehiwela where they are housed, schooled and rehabilitated to become  respectable good citizens.   It has to be registered with the Social service Department. We have fulfilled […]

(431) Helping for daeeya’s to study is the greatest sadaqathul jariya

Assalamu alaikum Almuslimaath has started a 3 years course of Al alima training for girls this year. alhamdulillah. It is a residential course with the sole purpose of producing Lady daeeyas. Though thousands of moulaviyas and al alimas pass out annually there is an acute dearth of female dayeeyas in Srilanka specially in English and […]

(430) Help three helpless women of the same family

Assalamu Alaikum, When Noor Fathima was 6 years old she met with an accident and was treated of the institute of Neurology for seizures. She is now 24 and  is mentally retarded;  her father passed away 3 years a go. Her sister, who is looking after her,  is a divorce with 2 children and has […]

(429) 2014 Put a smile on a poor child’s face this Eidul adhha!

Update: This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah! closed for donations. Assalamu alaikum. As usual Almuslimaath will be providing festival clothes for the poor, orphans and destitutes this year too insha Allah. We intend to give Rs.500 for a child’s clothing and Rs.2000 for an adult. Times are difficult for the poor these days. think about […]

(428) Ulhiya by Almuslimaath, 2014

Update: This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah!  closed for donations. Assalamu alaikum. As usual this year too Almuslimaath will be doing ulhiya and distribute the meat to the poor insha Allah. A cow in Colombo is Rs.52500 and share is Rs.7500. A goat is Rs.14000 & A cow in other areas can vary from Rs. […]

(427) 7 year old child needs help for heart surgery

Assalamu alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. We have received this appeal for a child’s heart surgery. Father’s Name: M. R. Deen Address: 17/16 F, Megoda Kolonnawa, Wellampitiya Contact No.: 055228509 , 07546863103 His 7 and half year old son has to undergo open heart surgery at Madras – India. This will be the second surgery with the […]

(426) Zakath Recipient of Alassafeer International School Up to August 2014 (2)

Assalamu Alaikum We run a high standard low cost international school catering to rich and poor alike. our fees are very minimal but still there are students who cannot afford to pay this amount. We ahve qualified  trained staff.  we are managing the deficit   with zakath  donations. It is Rs.2500 per month.  This  school has been a  self sustaining venture however lately we have been taking in students who […]

(425) Help a little girl to hear and speak

Assalamu alaikum. This cute little girl ( see photo below) needs cochlear implant for her hearing defect  and it costs around 3 million. the parents are short of 5 lakhs. they are desperate since to get a date for surgery is also difficult. this will help her hear and then speak properly. can you please […]

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