Assalamu alaikum

Almuslimaath has started a 3 years course of Al alima training for girls this year. alhamdulillah.
It is a residential course with the sole purpose of producing Lady daeeyas. Though thousands of moulaviyas and al alimas pass out annually there is an acute dearth of female dayeeyas in Srilanka specially in English and Sinhalese.
With an intention of fulfilling this need, we have commenced this course.
We intend to train them not as experts in knowledge of Quran and sunna but also in public speaking, da’wa and counselling.
We also teach them the life skills essential for a girl to be an excellent wife and mother, such as cookery, sewing, house keeping, gardening, beauty culture within the shariah laws etc. during this course. They can also get trained to be a Montessori teacher if they prefer to.
For all these courses including food and lodging they have to pay Rs.10,000 a month.
As usual mostly  the poor are the one who want to do this course.
We have 6 poor girls who have joined the course but cannot afford to pay the fees.
Needless to say educating is one of the greatest sadaqathul jariya and educating to be a daeeya certinly is  highly meritorious.
would you be able to sponsor at least one child even for a short time?

Call 0112736577 for more details.

For all Remittances: 

We receive a sum of Rs.60,000, from a donor.

May Allah bless you and your family and endow on all of you excellent prosperity in the future years.
Jazakallahu Khairan once again for your generosity.

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