Assalamu alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
We have received this appeal for a child’s heart surgery.
Father’s Name: M. R. Deen
Address: 17/16 F, Megoda Kolonnawa, Wellampitiya
Contact No.: 055228509 , 07546863103
His 7 and half year old son has to undergo open heart surgery at Madras – India. This will be the second surgery with the same Doctor in Madras –  India.
He was supposed to enter to hospital on the 4th week of May 2014 but due to economical issue they could not make it.
Total cost of surgery is USD. 8500 / Rs. 1,113,500
They currently have 5 lacks including with the president fund.
Waiting list at Srilankan hospitals are long.
 (427) 7 year old child needs help for heart surgery

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