Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu.

Request for assistance to buy a land for Darunnusra

As you are aware, Almuslimaath runs a transient home for orphans and destitute children in Dehiwela where they are housed, schooled and rehabilitated to become  respectable good citizens.


It has to be registered with the Social service Department. We have fulfilled all the requirements the department stipulated but they have asked us to have a play ground within the premises for the children.   At present there is no land around the building that we possess.


But mercifully there is a land of 8.8 perches  adjacent to the building available for sale. The owner is expecting  Rs..8.8  lakhs per perch. We can buy this plot of 8.8 perches for Rs. 77.44 lakhs ( about 70,000 USD) insha Allah.


Since this is the only Orphanage /destitute home in Srilanka for Muslim girls  where the orphans, those whose parents have left them and gone abroad, those who are abused by  the family  member and those handed over by courts can be housed and rehabilitated, buying this land is essential as far as the community is concerned.


Therefore we plead with  you to help us to buy this land by helping even partially.


For all Remittances: 

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