Assalamu alaikum.

This cute little girl ( see photo below) needs cochlear implant for her hearing defect  and it costs around 3 million. the parents are short of 5 lakhs. they are desperate since to get a date for surgery is also difficult.
this will help her hear and then speak properly.
can you please help even in a small way?
if you pledge we can advance the money.
 (425) Help a little girl to hear and speak
Child’s Name: Haysha Hassan
Address: 66/6, St. Joseph Street, Colombo 14
Mother’s Name: Fathima Hara Hanas
Mother’s phone No.: 0755127588
Date of operation: 16th August 2014
Needed fund: 31 Lakhs
Existing fund: 26 Lakhs included with president’s fund
Rest needed fund:  5 lakhs

Jazakallahu Khairan, two donors donated Rs.15,000/- & Rs.25,000/-

respectively. May Allah bless them & their families!


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