Sponsorship of Orphans in Sri Lanka.

———- Forwarded message ———- From: Fazal Careem Date: Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 11:35 AM Subject: Sponsorship of Orphans in Sri Lanka. To: Dear Brothers/Sisters, Salaam Alaykum wa rahmathullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Al-Muslimaath is an organization of women who are active in community service within Sri Lanka among Muslims. I have worked with this organization and found […]

(385) Clothes for the poor for festival

Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu As usual  this year too there are lot of children  who will not be able to have a happy eid ul fithr as they will not be able to have new clothes. Almuslimaath is intending to help these poor children who are obviously  eligible as zakath recipients. A child will need […]

(201) Nobody’s child [orphan Raheema Nisa]

Assalamu Alaikum, An orphan from Central Province was brought to our notice who has lost her parents and was looked aftered by her unmarried and sick uncle. They lived in a shack and she had to go to the neighbour’s where there were non-mahram men to, sleep. We took her into our ummul mu’mineen and […]

(202)-Ayesha to bring up her 2 children

Assalamu alaikum. We’ve a mother who approached us to put her children into orphanages. She has 2 children, a boy of 8 and a girl of 4. The girl has a blind eye due to an accident where her brother dropped a knife accidently. It can’t be repaired. This mother was married to an indian […]

(193) Child with no place to go [Nihara of Panadura]

Assalamu alaikum, A poor lady who works as a servant in houses, brought a girl of 12 years to us saying that she cannot look after anymore, as she and her husband,  they themselves are struggling to survive. It’s not her daughter. She has met a begger, who’se the father of this girl & was […]

(168) Orphan revert to study Islam at Darun Nusra

Update: This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah! closed for donations. Assalamu Alaikum WW A Revert girl who is an orphan has approached us waiting to study Islam in detail. She has 4 other sisters. We can educate her at our Darun Nusra. An Almuslimaath member sister has promised to take her over once she finishes […]

Revert Fathima- Rathnapura (Darun Nusra)

Update: This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah!  closed for donations. Assalamu Alaikum WW Her Total Estimate is 7 Lakhs. She has got 3 lakhs so far and with this she can just put up one room and kitchemand toilet. She has old parents and she is very keen to get them out of where they […]

(153 B) 2 Orphans join Darun-Nusra

Assalamu Alaikum WW One of them is from a broken family – her mother is eternally abroad and her father is a drug addict. There isn’t anyone else for her. She has been sent from Pillar to post- several orphanages after, now she is with us. She is 14 years old. She was boisterous rebellious […]

Marriages of poor orphans

Assalamu Alaikum WW We have received the following appeals for the weddings: An orphan girl marrying a man from Puttalam, who is almost blind (my patient who cannot be improved) – he also cannot afford much. He called me and asked me whether we can get some help for her dresses, mattress and household items. […]

(128) Bring a Luggage

Update:This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah! closed for donations. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh! Most of you expatriates out there! You probably will be coming in June-July for a holiday in Sri Lanka. Why not bring just a bag full of used/ nearly new items for our Orphanage? We will be needing clothes, bedsheets, pillow cases, […]

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