Assalamu Alaikum WW

One of them is from a broken family – her mother is eternally abroad and her father is a drug addict. There isn’t anyone else for her. She has been sent from Pillar to post- several orphanages after, now she is with us. She is 14 years old. She was boisterous rebellious and after a little bit of love being shown she’s settling down.
We need a sponsor for her as she has no one to provide for her. If anyone is willing to pay for her upkeep Rs.5,000/- per month, we can send her to school (hopefully) and bring the best out of her insha allah.
The 2nd is from a family, who adopted her from age 3 and now finds difficult to look after her as their financial situation is not so good now. The bread winner having fallen ill. She is not educated after grade 5 and does not even know to recite the qur’an. We intend to bring her up and give her in marriage once she is accomplished.
We need sponsor for her as well. Some amount of expenditure. Zakath can be given to both of them.
A Donor Rs.5,000×2 (on the 15th of each month)

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