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From: Fazal Careem
Date: Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 11:35 AM
Subject: Sponsorship of Orphans in Sri Lanka.

Dear Brothers/Sisters,

Salaam Alaykum wa rahmathullaahi wa barakaatuhu.

Al-Muslimaath is an organization of women who are active in community service within Sri Lanka among Muslims.

I have worked with this organization and found them to be tireless and dedicated in their efforts to uplift the social/economic conditions of the less fortunate through various projects.

One such project is Sponsorship of Orphans and in this regard I attach a list of orphans that require assistance for the next year. As Ramadan is upon us now, it would be a good opportunity for those who wish to spare some of their zakaat, to donate for this worthy effort. Al-Muslimaath is trying to collect approximately USD 9,000 for the upkeep of 28 orphans for a period of ONE year.

As you know The Prophet of Islam (May Allaah exalt his mention) said “🙁 أنا وكافل اليتيم في الجنة هكذا وأشار بالسبابة والوسطى وفرج بينهما ) رواه البخاري ” (I and the one who looks after the orphan, will be like this in jannah – and he pointed towards his two fingers joined together)

If you would like to contribute to this cause during the noble month of Ramadan, kindly inform me either by replying to this email  or you may wish to contribute directly to the organization, in which case please copy sisters Mareena ( [email protected]” target=”_blank” style=”color:rgb(17, 85, 204)”> [email protected]) and/or Saadiqa ( [email protected]” target=”_blank” style=”color:rgb(17, 85, 204)”> [email protected]) and inform them so that they can allocate the funds accordingly.

Their website detail is http://www.almuslimath.org/ (there bank details are included under “banking info”) and I also attach a copy of the profile and projects.

May Allaah bless your wealth and increase it for you and reward you for your contributions.

Jazaakumullaah khairen.

Fazal Careem



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