Assalamu Alaikum WW 2020 Calendars were printed in order to raise funds towards developing the school which is on process still. Pl be kind enough to purchase a calendar to develop the school! Each calender Rs 250.00 for more info, pl contact principal Mrs Suraiya on +94766149349 Jazakallah!

(474) Education for the poor boys – in this Holy month of dhil Hijja?

Assalamu alaikum. ​As you are aware we have been running three schools ​of high standard but with very minimal school fees. Even then about 50% of the students are in our zakath recipient list – which means they don’t pay a cent for their education. We not only provide free education but also give the […]

(471) Almuslimaath needs a building immediately! PLEASE HELP!

2017 Feb 10 السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ As you are aware almuslimaath has been serving the society in various ways for the last 27 years, alhamdulillah. We have 7 institutes – namely 1. The Head office 2. The Alasafeer International school, girls’ section 3. The Alasafeer International school, Boys’ section 4. The Alasafeer International […]

We Need Teachers…

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ We need 1.English medium Science and Maths teachers for grade 6-9 2 .Science and Maths teacher Tamil medium grade 10 3.experienced nursery teacher for English medium. To work in Dehiwela. Pl call. 0775300155

projects of Almuslimaath

1. Set up a Center where all the projects of Almuslimaath will be under one roof. 2. Set up a Muslim Leisure center for Boys 3. Set up a residential school for Disabled children 4. Help eradicate Dengue by educating the Housewives on Garbage disposal 5. Help set up Ummul Mumineen branches in each province […]

(426) Zakath Recipient of Alassafeer International School Up to August 2014 (2)

Assalamu Alaikum We run a high standard low cost international school catering to rich and poor alike. our fees are very minimal but still there are students who cannot afford to pay this amount. We ahve qualified  trained staff.  we are managing the deficit   with zakath  donations. It is Rs.2500 per month.  This  school has been a  self sustaining venture however lately we have been taking in students who […]

(419) Help the destitute children to gain education with your zakath.

Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu   We at Almuslimaath help the poor children  with their education – needless to say this is an essential social service to build a healthy  community in the future, insha Allah.  We had good response for our request for the   education of the 100  orphans. Alhamdulillah. But what about the destitutes? What about the children whose fathers have deserted them? The ones whose father is sick and bedridden? And […]

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