Assalamu alaikum.

​As you are aware we have been running three schools ​of high standard but with very minimal school fees. Even then about 50% of the students are in our zakath recipient list – which means they don’t pay a cent for their education. We not only provide free education but also give the children the stationery, school bags and shoes etc.

For want of space we recently shifted to a school where the Boys and Girls are in the same premises but with separate entrances. However we find this is not a satisfactory arrangement. Therefore we decided to shift the boys to another premises. However since 80% of them cannot afford to pay the school fees we find it difficult to meet the expenditure specially the rental.

A suitable house with a play area will cost minimum of Rs. 50,000 a month. The other alternative is to close down the Boys’ school or to handover the children to another school. Though another school came forward to take the children without admission fee their monthly fees is way over for these parents. Besides the parents are reluctant to take the children to another school.
We need Rs. 600,000 a year for the rental. Salaries and incidental expenditure will cost at least Rs. 100,000 a month.
Is there anyway you can help please? This is sadaqathul jariya and will benefit you long after your time on this earth, insha Allah. Even part payment can be of help.
Do help in these first ten days of the month of dhil hijja, where the good deeds are most loved by Almighty.

— For all Remittances

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