Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu
We at Almuslimaath help the poor children  with their education – needless to say this is an essential social service to build a healthy  community in the future, insha Allah. 
We had good response for our request for the   education of the 100  orphans. Alhamdulillah.
But what about the destitutes? What about the children whose fathers have deserted them? The ones whose father is sick and bedridden? And the one whose father is in the prison? And the ones who have so many siblings the income of the father is not sufficient to send all of them to school? 
Even the ones goign to government schools  need help  to spend on exercise books, uniform, shoes, school bags etc. 

We are nearing dhul hijj.  This is the time we are calculating our zakath. And this is the time we will be  spending lavishly  on  food and clothes for our loved ones.   Let us help at least one destitute  with a small part of our money that Allah has blessed us with. 

We pay Rs. 1500 (= about 12 USD = $6 = 50 Riyals)  a child per month for food and education. Though this is not a large amount it will keep them from going hungry and being illiterate, insha Allah. 

Would you like to be part of this system by paying  just Rs. 18000/= a year from your ZAKATH? 


If you wish to  we can send you the details of the LIST OF THESE  STUDENTS for  you to  choose from.  

Jazakallahu khairan.
We pray that Allah subahanahu watha’ala  records this effort as an amal  done  solely to seek  His pleasure, and that He makes it reach and benefit those who  need it most.
May Allah bless you and guide us all in the straight path.

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