Assalamu Alaikum WW 2020 Calendars were printed in order to raise funds towards developing the school which is on process still. Pl be kind enough to purchase a calendar to develop the school! Each calender Rs 250.00 for more info, pl contact principal Mrs Suraiya on +94766149349 Jazakallah!

(474) Education for the poor boys – in this Holy month of dhil Hijja?

Assalamu alaikum. ​As you are aware we have been running three schools ​of high standard but with very minimal school fees. Even then about 50% of the students are in our zakath recipient list – which means they don’t pay a cent for their education. We not only provide free education but also give the […]


Copy of the Appeal   السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ Some of the students are attaining presently school. Parents say they are weak in studies and also in English subject. Most of the parents wanted to change the school because of no Islam studies. On this exercise we were able to admit 50 students as […]

(466) A new school for the flood affected area

Update: This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah!  Closed for donations. Project Report Assalamu alaikum. As you are aware there had been massive floods in Kolonnawa area and almuslimaath has been in the field providing immediate relief and long term relief. When we were studying long term needs, to our horror, we found hundreds of children […]

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