Update: This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah!  Closed for donations.

We are all feeling the heat and we must think of the hell and seek protection from Allah.
And since the Ramadhan is coming we have to think of others who are less privileged who will be fasting in this heat too.
The resettled people at Musali in Mannar area are in need of water. We, and many others have helped put up common wells but for each family to get their own water they need water tanks to store the water.
There are about 100 families who need water tanks and each tank costs only Rs. 7,000/=
No need to remind that this will be a sadaqathul jariya.
For further information or personal visit to this area please contact Moulavi Raisudeen – 0773746532

Do you think you can pay for at least one tank? May be as a sadaqa in your parents’ name?


All praises to Almighty Allah, Almuslimaath has completed another project – Water tanks for Musali resettled people.
Of course it would be impossible without generosity of you people. we do appreciate your kind supports of all the time towards our projects.

we intended to donate 100 tanks but donated 187 tanks. By the help of allah, our donors made us this target easy.

May Allah  rewards and bless with much prosperity in the future , grant you all Jannathul Firdouse in the akhira.


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