Summery of work carried out by Almuslimaath towards upgrading of school in the year 2004

Repare with plastering of all damaged dilapidated buildings
Main hall areas –complete repairing of roof & new fan
All areas of damaged roofing in all the buildings of the school.
Electrical wiring & conduit necessary area
Complete drainage system with construction of two numbers of toilets Rs.200,000/- donated by Baithul Maal
Guttering of neighbours building was repaired-water dripping into school
Complete renovation of dilapidated home science section –refurbishing home science room.
3 volenteer teachers cost at Rs.2,000/- each for grade 5 & O/L students –additional afternoon classes.
Gardener/Security/ Toilet Cleaning – employment of a couple at the cost of Rs.5,000/- only
Uniform material for all children with extra set for needy children
Landscaping of all garden areas
Shramadana with SDS to clear over grown netball court
Coockery demonstration by Ms. Lorna wright on correct nutrition with emphasis on frugality
Seminar & 6 weaks training session for prefects of the school
Numerous projects atc were fanancrd & carried out towards the upliftment of the school.

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