Assalamu Alaikum WW

We recieved an appeal from a poor man who hails from Thillaiyadi, Puttalam requesting for toilet facility. The estimate, appeal letter and letter from the mosque are attached.

A poor lady who hails from Rathmalyaya, Puttalam.also has appealed to us for a toilet. The estimate, appeal letter and the letter from the mosque are attached herewith.
How many of us don’t even think and thank Allah for what we have.
Just imagine living in a house without a toilet.
Please put yourself in his/her place and forward this mail to as many as possible.
The amount they have appealed for is Rs.19,685/- each.
I’m sure if we all tried we could do something to these poor people.
May Allah never put us through trails such as these and may he help those who are in dire need of day to day things, Aameen.

A Donor – Rs.33,000/-
Zakath money from Almuslimaath – Rs.7,000/-

Jazakallahu Khairan. May Allah bless him & his family!


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