Assalamu Alaikum WW.

The above mentioned school hosts approximately 200 students with core education. It has only one toilet for usage for both the girls and the boys and presently no staff toilet. The pits of the toilet are badly damaged with large cracks in the center.
The children need to cross this pit which also emanates a very bad stench all the time.
At times the stench is unbearable and the teachers complain that they cannot conduct classes in the vicinity. Among the many repairs necessary for this school – which goes unnoticed by the authorities concerned – the salient and most urgent one would be the repair of the toilets – the necessity intensified since it is a mixed school.
They estimate to repair one toilet for the students and one for the staffs is Rs.100,000/-. We would greatly appreciate if you could allocate the funds for this project, i will take responsibility to see that the work is executed and will submit the report with photographs.
May Almighty Allah shower his choicest blessings on All of you!
Rs.25,000/- granted by Baithulmal.

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