Assalaamu ‘alaikum Warahmatullah.

This is an appeal seeking financial aid to help a sister live her life ahead.

A sister, named Hafsa from Aswedduma, met with a terrible  accident on 03.03.2012.

She is bedridden due to the fracture of  her back bone.

Sister Hafsa of 22 years of age, lost her younger sister in the same accident; Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’oon. The medical expenses exceed the income of the family, thus her parents find it unaffordable to make it up for her.

If you can afford to help her, please do deposit your contribution to the below bank account, Insha Allah. Your reward is surely with Allah.

M.Y. Hafsa,
AC: number:226-2-001-8-0036327
Peoples Bank
Maliyadewa Branch

For further details :

Home Address

A.M.M. Yousuf
107/1, Aswedduma, Kurunegala.

Contact Number : 0714935561

Please help her in whatever way you can. 

Share this with your contacts  and add Sister Hafsa in your Du’a.


We have spoken  to her father Mr. Yousuf. He had 6 kids .one of them a  girl, who was a moulavia  died at the accident;the .The only bread winner, the eldest son is a Moulavi now working in a mosque,  married, gets small salary.
Hafsa who is 22 is bedridden needs to take 6 tablets daily and needs a  medicinal  cream to be applied on her wounds, costing 1580/-. . This too lasts only for 2 weeks.
i.e she needs at least about 15,000 a month for the medicine alone.
Either pay her directly or send your contributions through almuslimaath. 
For all Remittances:
Jazakallahu Khairan, a donor donated Rs 15,000/-. May Allah bless him & his family!

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