Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh!

May I tell you another pathetic story?

This girl-was born into a big family of 13 children as one of the twins (as the 7th children), and for some unknown reason the mother gave her to be brought up by her mother i.e. The grand mother gave her in marrige to a poor man while the brothers and sisters are married well and are living in luxury.

After having 3 children, the husband died of cancer. Now she has 3 school going children of 14, 13 and 11, the first one is a girl and the other two are boys.

She is living with her saachi, who her self is a miskeen, whose husband had left her after giving her one child who is about 18 years now and is studing for A/L exam. The present house is also falling down and needs about Rs.50,000 to be repaired. However this is too small for all of them to continue to live.

The mother and siblings are doing very well but will not give even a cent to this girl. The village people tried their best to take over her, but they abused those who try. After the mosque intervened, the mother grudgingly gave 4 perches of land and we can put up a small house for about Rs.150,000.
When my mother had told that she may be able to get help for them, this child of 11 years had gone to the place of this land of 4 perches and had cleaned it up with his hands, and is waiting to have a place of their own……….. Their were many responses to the appeal for the mother with the husband whose legs were burnt in the Central Bank Bomb blast. However one of the local organization has taken up the case – so all those who wanted to help her would you like to help these 2 women?
We can put up the new house and repair the old one for total cost of Rs.200,000 please send whatever you can.


Alhamdhulillah, a Ummah donated 2,000/-. May Allah bless him & his family!

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