Update: This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah!  closed for donations.




Assalamu Alaikum WW

We received an appeal from Mrs.Azmi asking financial assistence to settle her loan.

She the undersigned borrowed Rs 20,000/- loan few years back when she was working in a madrasa. She was able to repay only Rs 7,000/- leaving an outstanding balance Rs 13,000/-.

Unfortunatly my husband was hospitalized in a medical centre & later at general hospital paying ward & thrice underwent surgeries including fore foot ampulated and faced heavy medical charges. still now he is taking treatment nearly one & half years. Due to this situation, he is not working for the last nine months. And she is presently not in a position to repay the balance Rs 13,000/-.

Update: 24/09/2012 


Alhamdhulillah, donated Rs 12,000/-. project compleated through Zakath fund.


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