Update: This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah!  closed for donations.


Assalamu Alaikum WW

We received an appeal from the lady who was delivering lunch packets etc to Al-Muslimaath & now she’s unable to carry on her business as her daughter is very ill and has been admitted to Lady Ridgeway Hospital for the past three months.

She is willing to continue her bussiness after her child become alright. Also she has more 4 children more to feed & schooling & my husband too is not having wiork as she is not making enough food for sale as they both are in the same trade. She asks financial assistence till the child become alryt..

Update: 24/09/2012

Rs. 5,000/- per month X 6 months = 30,000/-


Alhamdhulillah, project compleated through Zakath fund.


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