Update: This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah!  closed for donations.




Assalamu Alaikum WW

We received an appeal from Niwaz, Masjidul Jamiah Road, Colombo 02 asking financial assistance for his daughter’s higher studies.

His daughter Hasna Niwas was given Admission to higher studies at B.G.C Medical Trust College during the 2nd year & they learnt that the college wasn’t registered with S.L.M.C, but they promised that they’ll soon get it registered,
she spent the rest of her years in B.G.C Medical Trust. They spent all their wealth for this purpose hoping to help the muslim community and for the sake of Allah.
                 Presently she’s in her 4th year and still her college Hasn’t got registered, since she just has 1 year left to decide to apply for a transfer to U.S.T.C to complete her final year.
                 She recieved the transfer but to enter the college they need to make payment of  4950 dollars which we are finding difficult to pay, Therforeextremely they need help on this matter for the sake of allah!
US Dollars 4950 X Rs 135.5/- = Rs 670,725/-



Alhamdhulillah, project compleated

Rs 76,000/- paid from Zakath fund for short fall.


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