Update: This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah!  closed for donations.




Assalamu Alaikum WW

We received an appeal from a Sister, from Dharga Town seeking financial assistance to construct her house.

She’s living with her parents. Father is 72 years old & mother is 61 years old & a cancer patient. Her mother has been suffering from cancer from 1987 & had undergone several sergeries. Still she is getting treatment from Maharagama Hospital.
They have been living in rented houses for last 23 years. Unfortunatly they don’t have any inherited assets.
She sold her jewelries & with the help of their families, managed to buy a 7 perches of land for 6 million in her village. Her families helped her to put the foundation also, alhamdhulillah!
Now she needs to construct a house. Therefore she needs cement bricks 2,ooo, sand 4 cubes & cement 40 bags,
She asks the financial assistance Rs 70,000/- to buy 2000 cement bricks.
Az-2012-003 (NI) Housing

Update: 13/06/2012 


Alhamdhulillah, project compleated through Zakath fund.

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