Update: This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah!  closed for donations.




Assalamu Alaikum WW

We received an appeal from a widow from Navinna, Uluvitike, Galle seeking financial assistance to construct a kitchen.

She is a 48 yrs old widow, having a 11 yeras old son who is studing in Gr6, at Navinna Muslim School, Navinna, galle. As she is not working, managing everything all alone.

They are living in a partly built house which has no kitchen. She cooks out but on rainydays She has no way to cook & they suffer with hunger.

She seeks financial assistance to put up a kitchen which will cost Rs 60,000/-


Update: 24/05/2012 


Alhamdhulillah, project compleated through Zakath fund.


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