Update: This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah!  closed for donations.


Assalamu Alaikum WW

We recieved an appeal from Nirosa, Dias pl, colombo12 asking to pay her strategic level || exam fees to pay at institute of chattered accountance of SL.

She requires a considerable amount of funds to continue her studies.

Expense particular are provided below:
Class fee (conducted at IAS, col 6):
Advanced financial reporting            1500/-
Financial management                     1500/-
Oudit                                                      1500/-
Knowlege management                    1500/-
Financial reporting frame work         1600/-

Total                                                        7800 * 6 months          = 46,800/-
Compulsary IT training for strategic level                                = 3000/-
Registration fee                                                                            = 1500/-
Exam fee (4 sub at 3000/-)                                                         = 12,000/-
Obtaining certificate for accounting and business                = 4000/-
Practical training book ( 900*3 books)                                     = 2700/-
Past Papers                                                                                   = 750/-
Study pachk for 4 sub                                                                   = 8000/-
Total expences                                                                              = 78,750


03/09/2012  She was called for an Interview


Alhamdhulillah, project compleated through Zakath fund.

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