Update:This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah! closed for donations.

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh!

Brother Abdul Salam reverted to Islam 2 years ago and he is living at Nahchaduwa Village under very difficult situations. He bought a cart for credit basis and paying little by little according to his business but due to the lack of business he is unable to pay for the cart properly, and the creditors are pushing for the payment everyday.

He is earning for his family by this door to door cart business and from this income only he has to pay the credit too.
So please be kind enough to help brother Abdul Salam to settle his loan and to upgrade his family. He’s expecting Rs.8500/- (USD 85)

Alhamdhulillah, five donors pledged to donate each Rs.8,500/- May Allah bless them & their families!

Alhamdhulillah, financial assistance was given by an Ummah (Rs.8,500/-) & repaid his loan & another Rs.5,000/- was given by the same donor to expand his cart business. May Allah bless him & his family!


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