Assalamu alaikum.
The medico in Pakistan is covered for the moment, alhamdulillah.
But there are other university  students who have asked for help.
May be you can help  one of them insha Allah.
1. A girl from Ratnapura studying in Jaffna university 2nd year, Arts faculty, Father very poor. 4 siblings studying  in various institutes. Needs Rs.15000 a month. One more year only.
2. A girl from Polannaruwa from a very poor family, both parents sick,  admitted to Peradeniya uni Arts faculty. Needs about Rs.10,000 a month.
3. A girl from Kahatowita studying at South eastern uni, Arts faculty, Father heart patient, and old, needs Rs.10,000 a month
4. A girl from Batticaloe studying in Pakistan  Medicine; went on scholarship,  father struggling to  send  her money for expenditure. Rs.20,000 a month.
I now it is tempting to help a medical student rather than arts faculty but we must realize the family is dependent on these girls to pass out, start working and provide for the family.
All are eligible for zakath.
Please help.

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