Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu

We received this appeal for assistance to fit a prosthetic arm for this mother who lost one of her arms in an accident. She needs just another 1,50,000 to complete the Rs.3,50,000 she needs to get one done.

See below for details and picture.

We never realise how much we have taken for granted the fact that we have two arms to carry out our day to day work.

Will you be able help her even partly so that we can all see that this poor lady has two hands to carry out her work of looking after her family?

May Allah bless you and provide you much so that you can spend in His way more.

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: ziyad mohamed < [email protected]
Date: Sun, May 4, 2014 at 8:14 PM
Subject: Fw:
To: mareena reffai < [email protected]

Assalamu Alaikkum

Fathima Farzan of Alakoladeniya, Kurunegala lost her left arm in a bus accident few years back. Photos attached

They have got a quotation form orthopedic suppliers in Minuwangoda to have an artificial limb – which would cost nearly 350,000/= (quotation attached). Â They have collected (also thru promises) about 200,000/=, of which amount nealry 75,000/= will be settled after placing the orderÂ

It would be greatly appreciated, if you could find some donors for her to get this artificial limb fixed.

Jazakallahu Khairan

Dr Ziyad Mohamed Thaha


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