Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu

We have got an appeal form a 58 year old widow, a revert,  whose daughter is a widow too and has three children , one of which is a son of 18 years old who is mentally disturbed and needs constant medicine. 

Both women are working as househelp in neighbourhood but the income is not enough to manage the family. 

Obviously zakath is due for them – widows, 3 orphans,  revert and sick. 

At least Rs.5000 a month will be necessary. Would you like to help them? 


May Allah accept this from  you and us. 

 For all Remittances: 

Update: 1/12/2014

Rs.3000/- was received by a donor, Alhamdhulillah

Jazakallahu khairan, May Allah  reward you amply  and bless you and your family  with much prosperity in the future years, and most of all, grant you all jannathul firdouse in the akhira.

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