Alhamdhulillah!  Project completed! Found a sponsor! May allah bless him & his family!

Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu

I received the following mail from a student of Molecular biology and biochemistry- it is self explanatory. 

Fathima dhilhani 

< [email protected]” target=”_blank” style=”color:rgb(17, 85, 204)”> [email protected]>

Assalamu Alaikum
I’m a final year undergraduate, Molecular biology and biochemistry  student of university of Colombo, and I am  doing a  research project on “Kras mutation detection in colo rectal cancer patients in Srilanka”.
       According to the Sri Lankan Cancer Registry 2005, Sri Lanka has reported 741 colo rectal cancer patients, this being the third most commonly found cancer in Sri Lankan men and seventh most common in women, and the  incidence rates of CRC are increasing in Sri Lanka.
We are at present using conventional methods to treat the cancers which are not efficient, therefore we are looking for  personalizing investigations;
To apply this method we have to consider mutations in a very important gene called kras. If the mutation is present  personalizing therapy won’t work. 
     My objective is to introduce a most reliable method for the mutation detection by which I hope to  find out the cause of the cancer.
        As there is a  lack of resources for recombinant DNA technology in Srilanka I need financial assistance to continue my project. My reference method is real time PCR to which I need probes.
The total cost of my project will be approximately  Rs. 200,000.
but I need Rs. 53,000 to buy 1 probe.
We have hope this project will help many colo rectal patients in Srilanka. 
If you can  help me to buy 1 probe it will be of great service to the nation and we may be able to treat  most of the colo rectal cancer patients. This probe will be used even after my research is over. 
Please do help us in this venture.
Jazakallahu khaira
From Dr. Reffai 
I feel we must help Muslim students of this sort so that we will encourage them to do more research and find ways and means  to serve the society. 
Anyone who wants to help her may contact her directly or send the money to Almuslimaath. 

 It will be a sadaqathul jariya, insha Allah. 

May Allah accept this from her, you and us. 

For all Remittances:
Here is a latest request for SriLanka .Inshallah we will find a way to fund this.The total this student need is 550 dollars.We will raise more to help few more kids inshallah for dozens of our other programs.

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