Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu

The  cost of living is very high in Srilanka and many Muslims are going to have a very difficult festival. Islam has prescribed sadaqathul fithra to solve thsi problem at least partially.
We at almuslimaath will distributed the sadaqathul fithra for you  to the very poor and the needy. Send either the rice ( see below for the address) or money ( Rs.250 per person in your family for 2 1/2 kilo rice = about 2 USD per person) to us before the festival day.
We also give festival clothes for the children of those  who cannot afford it. A child’s dress costs about Rs. 350/= ( 3 USD)
Would you like to light up the faces of some orphans and the poor this festival? Donate freely – hope fully Allah will dress you up in sundus and ibraq in the heaven, insha Allah
You can pay by pay pal now!
Banking Info.

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