(384) Help the ladies version of Jammiyathul ulema – the Jammiyyathul daayiyyyaath

Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu

The Srilanka Jammiyyathul ulema does not recognize or give membership to the Alimas or Moulaviyas  (Female ulemas).
Therefore Almuslimaath has set up  the sister organisation called Jammiyyathul daayiyyyaath where the daayiyyaaths, alimaaths and Moualviyas are members; and on one hand their personal problems are looked into, they are trained to do da’wa and  their da’wa is coordinated and on the other hand, Islamic education  is given to the public through regular Tuesday bayans for women, Saturday Deeniyyaath classes for the children, and daayiyyaaths are trained through  Daily classes  al alima courses and people are served through other social service activities.
We paid zakath to 15 alims/ alimaath, (usually a forgotten lot)  this Ramadhan and distributed dry rations and held ifthar for  the poor of thisarea.
The office is situated in 658/60, Mahawila gardens, Baseline road, Dematagoda.
The building is on rent and the rental has come to an end with this  month. we need to pay Rs.35000 per month to continue to do this service. ( Rs. 4,20,000 = about 4000 USD a year)
This is sadaqathul jariya of the highest order. Spreading knowledge, preparing alimas and charity -all in one!
Would you please pay at least one month’s rental if not the whole?
You can pay through pay pal now!

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