[mojoitem platform=’wordpress’ type=’themes’ item=’popular’ quantity=’3′ seller=” aff=”]Update: This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah!  closed for donations.

Assalamu Alaikum WW,

A moulavi attached to the  Mera Macan Jumma Mosque, Kandy has appealed to get the road to his house repaired. The roads have got washed away due to the heavy rain. He has repaired to it half way & is unable to get it completed due to lack of funds.

He just needs Rs.60,000/-. The pictures are attached. You can help from your zakath. Even  part help will be useful. Needless to say this will be a Sadaqatul Jariya.

we pray that allah, almighty, records this effort as a good deed, done in defense of his religion & solely for his pleasue & benifit those who need it most.
May Allah bless you & guide us all in the straight path
Do let us knw when you deposite any money so that we can send you the receipt.


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