Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu

There are about 2500 disabled children in Dehiwela – Mt. lavinia alone and majority of them are Muslims. Earlier the social service department ran a clinic for them at Almuslimaath premises for them and  it was stopped about 2 years back due to lack of trained staff.
Almuslimaath worked closely with the Social service department and found that not only these children  but thee parents too needed financial/ moral assistance. The governmental departments have several schemes to help them but there is no  organised mode, so that  these facilities are largely untapped.
last week we were contacted by a trained couple who has  only one son who is autistic and hyperactive. They are interested in helping in running the  school if we set it up.
The cost of setting it up is as follows;
Rental for 1 year 30000×12 = Rs.3,60,000
furniture …………………………..=Rs.100,000
Salary of staff 3×10,000×12…= 360,000
Incidental expenditure ……..=Rs.50,000
Total ——————————-= 870,000 =about 8700 USD
Almuslimaath possesses a land of 5 acres at Kurunegala; and we hope after establishing this school in Colombo insha Allah, to set up a permanent residential school in Kururnegala.
Would you be able to help in this essential and worthwhile cost, even partially please?
For all Remittances: ALM Banking Info.

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