Assalamu alaikum.
Today we need many da’eeyas  to convey the message of Islam not only to the Muslims but to the non Muslims too. However we do not have enough  ladies who can do da’wa in English medium.
In order to overcome this acute shortage, and since there are no English medium Quran madrasa for ladies to train them to become  moualvias/ al alimas ,

Almuslimaath will be opening  a Quran madrasa by the name of

Ma’had ul Irshad al arabiyy lil muslimaath in September 2010 insha Allah.
This will be a three years residential course  with an aim of preparing the students to sit for the Al alima exam conducted by the Department of Examination, Srilanka, as well as to train them to speak fluently in Arabic, do research in ahathees while training them to be ideal home makers too. .
They will be given a thorough understanding of quran and sunna, hifl and thajweed  as well as training in cookery, sewing, computer, public speaking  and house keeping.
We have identified the premises in Station road , Dehiwela  itself where our Head office,  Nnursery, Darun nusra  and the Ummul mu’mineen  school all are situated, Alhamdulillah.
We intend to start it off with some assistance from the public and  we are hoping that from the second year onwards it will be self sustaining insha Allah.
We need assistance for the following for one year :
1.    Rent : Rs. 30,000 x12                Rs. 360,000
2.    Furniture                                   Rs. 240,000
3.    Salary for the staff                     Rs. 300,000
4.    Incidental expenditure               Rs. 100,000
Total                                          Rs. 1000,000 = about 10,000 USD
Any assistance  even part payment or payment in installment will be much appreciated.  This will be one highest sadaqathul jariya since we will be educating our young women who will educate  a generation to come by.
Would you like to be part of this noble project?

For all Remittances:

For zakath contributions :
Account: Almuslimaath
Account number 1580008015
Commercial bank, Galle Road,  Dehiwela,
Swift code:  CCEYLKLK

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