Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu

Faika who has been abused by her  husband and is searching for her two lost sons came and met us.

(See below for the full story if you have not read it yet.) After proper counseling she has realized that she has to set up her own life and that she simply cannot go on crying and crying all the time.alhamdulillah, now she is a stronger woman planning to give tuition and sell lunch parcels.

She needs a place to live in. She has found a flat for rent in Dematagoda which will  cost Rs.10,000 a month- the landlord is asking for  Rs.120,000 as deposit.

She is willing to pay it back in installments of Rs.5000 per month after the third month.

Would you like to help this distressed lady to start a fresh life? meanwhile we are working on getting her sons back, insha Allah.

Even part payment will be of great help.
Almuslimaath Banking Information

Assalamu alaikum.

We are following the story of Faika ( see below) – she is distressed by the disappearance of her sons whom she believes to be in Malaysia now though she does say that they may have been taken elsewhere.

Her main concern is the children. However she has no house to stay in, she has her ailing parents with her and she has no income too. She is combing the roads trying to find help to find her children.
Is there anyone who has any influence in Malaysia who could check whether the children are there? the pictures of the children appear below.

Meanwhile she needs a place to stay – we are trying to rent out a place till we can get her a house permanently. the rent  can be up to Rs.15,000 a month for two roomed house.

WE ALSO WANT TO FIND EMPLOYMENT FOR HER. She speaks English very fluently and has been working as a stenographer. She can stitch very well too. We could buy her a sewing machine once we find a place for her to stay.
Ranee Mohamed, the journalist who wrote about her,  called and lamented there had been much sympathy but  no materialistic response from any Muslims whatsoever.

Any help towards her would be welcome.

Articles from  Sunday Leader

Prayers For My Sons…

By Ranee Mohamed


Fathima Faika — A mother’s tears

Her religion, her life and living decree that her photograph ought not to be taken — let alone be published in a newspaper. But the loss of one’s children can drive a mother to do anything, even the prohibited.

“I will do anything, just about anything to get my sons back,” said the battered, abused and beaten Fathima Faika, with only tears and a gnawing heartache left behind as legacies of a marriage made at 26 years of age.

“He was the one and only man in my life. I led a sheltered life and attended the Kegalle Convent. I had no association with men and my life revolved around my husband,”  recalled Faika crying uncontrollably.

“I endured the torture, endured the beatings and endured the endless cooking, cleaning and fetching because of my sons,” said Faika. “But there came days when I could not bear the beatings anymore, yet I stayed,” she added. But it was not always that she could stay. “At most times the beatings became unbearable, I thought I would die if I stayed and I ran into the night. When my eldest son was born I was forced to leave the infant behind and run away. Yet I came back, because of my sons,” cried this anguished mother choking on the memories. . .

All these beatings were endured in the vicinity of the Borella Police Station. “One day when I went to the Borella Police I was told not to cry and cough as the saliva may settle on the complaints book. “If you are sick, go and take treatment, don’t come here,” the police once told me. Despite the fact that Faika’s mother thought that a tin of red paint had been slashed on here face, the police in Borella had  been reluctant in taking down the complaints of this helpless woman.

“In your culture, men are allowed to take other women, so why fuss?” an officer in the Borella Police Station had reminded Faika. But it was not the other women that Faika was worried about,  it was the impossibility of enduring physical beatings and the ultimate loss of her most cherished possessions – her sons

“I wish to pay a tribute to the Women and Children’s Bureau in Fort for the way they have stood by me. I remember how a W.P.C. there questioned my husband over my blood-covered bruises and warned him repeatedly against this physical abuse. (To which he said that my mother had beaten me and dumped me in his house.)

With an influential husband in business, friends in high places, and on the verge of stepping into politics, Fathima Faika at first glance may look like the quiet wife of a rich man. But look deeper into her heart, talk to her and one sees not just cracks in her life, but whole ruination.

Innocent, troubled and distant are the words that one would use to describe this helpless woman from Borella who has made 17 complaints to various authorities over the disappearance of her sons, Mohamedhul Khifli (10) and Ahamed Shanfer (5).

Each day my little son saw the tears in my eyes and he made the sacrifice. He sacrificed his comfort, his love for me and his happiness, he endured it all and chose to be away from me because he knew that I  would be beaten if they stayed with me,” said this traumatised woman in need.

Fathima Faika needs our help, but she remains isolated. There seems to be no one who is actually able to give her what she wants – her sons.

“My husband said that he divorced me. But at times he says he is married to me, either way he does what suits the situation. I was forced to leave him when our first son was just nine days old. But I had to come back because he kept the baby. I could not bear the pain of losing him….” And of course it was the milk that welled up within her and the surging of love within her that caused this young women to come back to a home she described as a hellhole.

Had enough

But with one child and a hundred beatings, Fathima Faika had just had enough. “I was determined to divorce him. When I told him of my intentions, he said that it would look bad on him if I divorced him, so instead he would divorce me.”

“I was given custody of my child,” said Faika.

After four hearings in eight months, Fathima Faika was told that she was divorced. But as time went by her ex-husband seemed to have no intention of leaving her alone.

“Despite being divorced, he forced me to come and live with him. He said he was a changed man. And on being urged by my helpless mother and ailing father, I chose to go,” recalled Faika.

And when she went to live with him she not only got more beatings but something even more — another child.

“I really wanted to stay together because of my sons. Besides our culture did not seem to recognise a divorced woman. I endured the torture once again. There was an endless flow of friends and relatives to our home and it was a case of cooking from morning to night. If there was too much gravy in the chicken curry, I got beaten; if the curry was too dry, then I got beaten. If I was too slow I was beaten, if I did not know how to fix the charger to the new telephone, then again I got beaten – in fact, there was nothing about which I did not get beaten,” said Faika in tears.

Children — they make women endure not just mental trauma but grievous mental and physical hurt. Fathima Faika knew that if she left she would lose the children.
My children were terrorised into saying that they do not love me, that they do not need me — and they said so to friends and strangers, they said so, with tears in their eyes. I really did not want to leave, but the physical abuse was hard to endure,” said Faika.

And in that one moment of unbearable  pain and agony, she did leave – she went back to  her mother. “With her face so bruised and lips so swollen, I thought she was someone else,” said her mother in tears.
But there is always room for a daughter in her mother’s home. And when she was living there, the car that pulled up near the house had been a strange one. In that was her technically ex-husband. “My father is ill and my mother and I are constructing a new bathroom for him. I got late to come to the car as I was supervising this,” explained Faika. But her ex-husband had other thoughts. “Where were you?” he asked as she got in, and just as she answered the car swerved. “He beat my face and body and I felt the blood gushing down my nose. His driving was not near perfect, but the beatings were,” she said. The drive was an hour long, but for Fathima Faika it seemed like a long drive to the roads of hell, being beaten at every turn.

Children terrified

“He took me to the house we used to live in and I saw my sons in there. They were terrified. It was a rainy night and I could not recognise my own face,” said Faika.

And once again she had gone to the Borella police to be told that she ought to take treatment before she lodges an entry. “He had many influential friends in high places. I had no one anywhere,” said Faika.

Chased away from the house, Fathima Faika would go to her sons’ schools during the interval and feed them rice. She would stand in the roadside just to get a glance of them. “And then I would walk home in the sun, wiping the unending tears….”
But there came a day in August 2009 when Fathima Faika almost lost her mind. “I did not see them for days, I did not see them in the house, in the school, on the roadside…. nowhere did I see them…” she cried at the thought.

And when she had gone to her sons’ school she had been told that they have been removed from the school. Later she found that the things in the home where her sons had lived were being sold.

It was a heartbreaking frenzy that overtook this mother. “I ran everywhere in desperation. I just could not live without my sons. I could not begin the day without looking at their faces, I could not continue my life without them….” she says.

It has been revealed that Fathima Faika’s sons have gone missing – no one seems to know where they are and these minors have no access to their mother. “I have also been receiving telephone calls from strange people asking me for their money back if I cannot send them for employment overseas,” said a puzzled Faika. Fathima Faika appeals, she begs, she implores – “whoever you are, whatever you are doing, please help me to get my sons back.”

Fathima Faika has made the following complaints to overcome her misery, escape from the dangers and live happily as a mother ­­— with her children. For assault and kidnap – CWIB 94/119, 326/72 CWIB (Women and Children’s Bureau), UTR 11477 (119), CIB II 82/305, CIB I 55/57, CIB I 243/123, CIB I 255/12, CIB II 22/27, CIB II 156/220, CIB I 100/144, CIB III 301/150, CIB III 15/297, CIB II 299/331, CIB III 349/44. At Police Headquarters — CIB I 175/30, IGP/APC/109/09.

This is a plea to all mothers – all mothers who are professional women, who are housewives, who are simply mothers and to those women who are unmarried; here is a woman, a young woman whose only experience with romance and marriage is a barrage of beatings, uncertainty and tears. She has lost her most cherished possessions. Who will help her get them back — she is not talking about her jewellery, but her two young sons whose smiles lights up a feeling that  surpasses the glitter of gold…

It’s been seven months since I heard their voices and saw their innocent faces,” wails this mother in anguish.

Who will help Fathima Faika to sleep again ­— in the cosy cuddle of her children?

( [email protected]  )

An Outpouring Of Concern For Fathima Faika


Fathima Faika

There has been an outpouring of concern to the article titled  “Prayers For My Sons” by Ranee Mohamed, in our issue of February 21. This ‘reaching out’ to help a woman in tears has conveyed to Fathima Faika that she is not alone in her search for her two sons.

Fathima Faika is a bruised and  battered young mother who has not given up on life and living  despite her traumatic marriage — a marriage in which was was allegedly assaulted at every turn. “We would drive from Kandy with my young sons and immediately on our return I had to start cooking.  I was not allowed to even change my clothes. The table had to be  laid to perfection too. On such a day if I failed to put a new cake of soap in the bathroom, I would be beaten mercilessly. I hate to be beaten because my sons had to sleep without me as I would have to get medical treatment again and again. I remember   one day there was a sudden water cut and the clothes were soaking. He threw his hot tea at my face  and plunged at me because I had not washed the clothes.   If my four year old son spilled rice on the table while eating, he would beat me and shout at me calling me a ’sakkiliya’ who has not brought up my children properly,” recalled Faika in tears.
Despite having had to undergo a seven and a half hour long surgery as a result of her ‘married life’ and having been harassed, abused, beaten, traumatised and thrown to the streets, Fathima Faika has not given up. She strides on….

“There was a time when I was crying and walking down every street in Colombo with photos of my sons  in hand. But now I know that I am not alone.  I wish to thank The Sunday Leader and everyone who has reached out to me. I have also read the emails that have been going around and the ‘banding together’ to help me.

Among the first to contact Fathima Faika was Azad Sally, former deputy mayor of Colombo and current UPFA candidate. Having contacted the writer, Azad Sally was quick to get through to Faika. “I am wondering why and how all this injustice took place and how much political influence a person in the ‘opposition’ has used. The police have not acted, the immigration have not acted. I have called for a full investigation by the IGP,” said Sally.

Despite having to hand over his nominations at 9.30 a.m. Sally found time amidst all his work to accompany Fathima Faika to the Malaysian High Commission to discuss her case because she believes that her children are in Malaysia. “She is always talking about her children and crying for them day and night. I know it is difficult for a woman to live without her children but it is time that we took her mind off this for the moment, and continue the search,” said Azad Sally who suggests that Faika be employed.

Former sportsman, businessman, rights activist and an authority on Muslim Religious Affairs, Dr. Zurfick Ghouse reaching out to Fathima Faika is  now investigating why the police have not acted on the complaints made by Fathima Faika.  I have also discussed this matter with DIG K.P.B Pathirana who has assured me that they will look into the matter,” said Dr. Ghouse.
“We must also ask assistance from Allah in this matter for nothing can happen without his assistance,” said Dr. Zurfick Ghouse.

Dr. Mareena Thaha Reffai, Coordinator – Sri  Lanka Association for Muslim Women and Girls, Al Muslimath contacting the writer said that she wishes to help Fathima Faika. “It is completely wrong for a husband to beat his wife. Women ought to know how to avoid this kind of situation,” said Dr. Reffai. She also went on to point out that according to Islamic Law the husband has no right to keep the children. “This amounts to kidnapping. The children automatically go to the wife, unless it is proven that she is not a good mother. I am thankful to The Leader for highlighting her case. But we should also suggest places where women in such distress can go to,” said Dr. Reffai.

Fathima Faika and the writer also thank Mohamed Rahamathulla, Ismael Marikar, Mohammed Farouk, Mohammed Haniffa, Muslim Watch and a special word of thanks must also be given to Abdul Aleem Yoosuf for telling us all of the characteristics of a Muslim husband, thereby bringing about a touch of romance to all this turbulence…

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