Assalamu alaikum wa rahmathullahi wa barakathuhu.

We had two different situations reported to us within the last two days.

1. When I visited Kurunegala yesterday a mother came to meet me with her two daughters and 20 years of age respectively.

This mother, a born Muslim has married a Sinhalese Long ago and had children by him and had lived like a Sinhalese. About 7 years back she has regretted what she had done and had let the husband and had reverted to Islam back again. However the children could not learn anything at all about Islam since they lived in a Sinhalese area.

Now they have left that area and had come to Kurunegala and she desperately wants the
daughters to learn Islam. They do not even know to read the Quran. The mother works in houses as a maid and earns about Rs. 150-a day. The girls are also vey keen to learn Islam.

We have asked them to join our Darun Nusra where they can learn basic Islam and pratice too, and hopefully afterwards we can get them to work in our garment factory to earn something.

While they are with us learning for four months we will need someone to sponsor them, each
need Rs.5000/- a month. (Total Rs.40,000)

2. We got a call about 2 young girls from Mabole, whose father reverted to Issam TWO DAYS BACK and died yesterday, inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon. Mother had died long ago. These two girls, who became Muslims a while ago by listening to the bayans held in the area have no relations at all and now they are living with some neighbours who want someone to
take them over. There is nothing called their possessions so we will have to cater for them from scratch.

I am sure there must be more such cases out there. What happens to them is anyone’s guess.

We need someone to sponsor them, with minimum Rs.5000 per girl per month. We do not know for how long. Let’s start with 4 months insha allah (Total Rs.40,000)
Can you please help us to bring all these children up? pay even for one month. Please.

Two donors are willing to pay monthly 5000/-, 1000/- respectly. Two more donors paid US 50 & 10,000/- respectively. 

Jazakallah Kairan for our donors. May allah bless you & your family!

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