Assalamu Alaikum.

The first ever English medium Quran madarasa for the girls was opened at 181, Ananda Mawathe, Maradana this month (June,2008).
Girls of 11 to 13 years of age are enrolled to follow a course of Quran and Hathees, arabic, hifl etc. in the morning and secular education to prepare them for the local G.C.E. O/L exam in english medium in the afternoon.

The course is of 5 years duration; syllabus is strictly based on Shariah. Qualified trained moulavias will teach in the morning classes.
Even if the child has studied in Tamil/Sinhalese medium, they will be taken in and trained to follow the studies in English medium.
The students are all day scholars at present, however it is intended to take in hostlers indue time Insha Allah.
An Islamic nursery for children of 5 years and under is also conducted at the same premises.
It is a fee levying school however poor children are given concessions. If anyone is interested in sponsoring a child please contact us.
For further information please call Moulavia Ummu Reema on 2698278/602168023.

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