Update:This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah!  closed for donations.

Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu.

The nonstop torrential rain of the last two to three days has caused many low level areas to be flooded. Unfortunately these are the areas where the day to day wage earners live. We have received appeals from various areas to atleast provide meals for a day. The affected areas from which we received appeals are : Wellampitiya 300 families, Mabole 600 families and Malwana 200 families.

The food prices are also rocket high. One single meal per 100 families cost Rs. 25000.
The floods came suddenly –  though floods were expected the people did not expect it to be so severe and so sudden. Most of their belongings have gone under water and they are displaced into mosques and schools. They cannot go for work as no one is takignthem for any work due to the rains!

The government keeps saying they will provide relief but so far these areas have not got anything from the government. Few kind hearted people have sent some food parcels but it had not been enough. This is a situation the zakath can be spent on.

Can you PLEASE  help?

Banking Info

Alhamdhulillah, many donors funded various amounts to fulfill this task successfully. May Allah bless them & their family!

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