Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu.
There is no Islamic School for disabled children in Colombo – most of the childlren attending the non Islamic schools are muslims. These children, already disadvantaged,  grow up without Islamic teachings and there is no counselling available for their parents either.

One such famous school charges Rs.220/= per half an hour! That too available only once  a week per child!
Such school has been a long felt need of the society. We intend to  start such a school Insha Allah, with  proper counselling for the parents and 4 hour sessions daily for the chdilren with all equipments for stimulating them to grow as normally as possible. We also intend to include speech therapy.
We have one donor who is willing to finance the rent, salary of staff and miscellaneous expenditure for one year alhamdulillah.

However we will need help with the following:
1. Furniture – Rs. 50,000
2. Teaching material – Rs. 50,000
3. Play ground  equipment: Rs. 50,000

We are looking for a house to rent out in Dehiwela.

Would you like to be part of their worthwhile  cause?

Banking Info

A donor – 150,000/= (cash recieved)                                 
One Umma – 2500/=
Anonymous Donor – 5000/=
  another donor- 135,000/=

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