Assalamu Alaikum WW

100 children were circumced successfully at Puttlam with the help of Shabab Organization.

Alhamdhulillah, some pictures are attached below.

There are many more who need to be done both in Puttlam, Nilaveli, Kuchuveli & Trincomalee areas.
We are aiming at collecting money for another 100 cases insh Allah at the rate of Rs.750/- per child.

Pleae do help as this is Fardh Kifaya of the society.
Note: again to those who think we women shouldn’t do this,  pl come forward and take over the project, Jazakallah!

if anyone who wants the accounts, you will be submitted the detailed accounts with photographs when you ask for it!


(197) Circumcission

Alhamdhulillah, the whole amount Rs.75,000/- was given by a donor to fulfill this task. Jazakallah khairan. May Allah bless him & his family!



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