Assalamu Alaikum WW

The Plight of the muslim patients at Maharagama has been in the lime light for some time. Read alhasanath last 2 months issues for details.

Almuslimaath has been trying to help the patients there for the last 5 years.

However one of the sorely needed requirement, a prayer place for the muslims – both for the patients and visitors – who often come for the patients and visitors – has not materialized yet. Besides the visitors who often come from far have no place to stay even for a day around this area. There are chronic patients from the East whose families travel from rented houses in Mabole for treatment as and when required.

We have spoken to the authorities on putting up a building inside the hospital premises but they have categorically refused it on various grounds.

We have been looking for a land to buy and build a small place but the lands are hard to come by.

At present there is a house close by in 15 perches which is available for sale for 8 million rupees.

Would anyone come forward to help us collect the money or buy it out right please?

No need to remind it is a sadaqathul jariya of the highes order.

We can manage the place if required insha allah.


Jazakallahu Khairan, a donor donated Rs.10,000/-. May Allah bless him & his family!

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