Application for Financial Assistance for studies

I am currently following a course in Business Administration at Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology (APIIT) in Union Place. I recently finished my second year and hope to start my third and final year, Insha Allah on the 26th of November 2007.

Financial Difficulty in Paying the third year fees:

My mother is a single parent who obtained a divorce 2 years ago. I live with my mother. Her only source of income is by giving private tuition at home.

In October 2006, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to undergo surgery. She had to undergo surgery. She had to go numerous treatments and she is still undergoing treatment. A course of chemotherapy injections has to be followed up for another 6 months. One single injection of HERCEPTIN costs Rs.205,000, which has to be administered every 3 weeks. She is finding it difficult to find this amount of money every 3 weeks so it is very difficult for us to organize my fees which are due in mid December.

We have no other financial assistance from any other source hence we are not in a favourable financial situation to pay my fees. Therefore I earnestly request you to consider my financial difficulties and grant me some financial assistance which would help me to continue my studies at APIIT

Jazakallahu Khairan, an donor donated US$ 500. May Allah bless him & his family!

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