Assalamu Alaikum WW

We received the appeal from this pathetic couple who are living in a kitchen of someone else. See the picture.

The wife is the daughter of a revert, and the husband is a driver; they have 2 children, one girl of 16 years and the son is 12 years. The owner of this flat is the brother of the husband married to a Buddhist lady.

They have to clear things (shown by the arrow) before lying down for sleep. The husband sleeps the doorstep of the flat.

Now the have found a 1 perch house for Rs.900,000 and they have collected from the well wishers Rs.500,000 during the Ramadan and are need of Rs.400,000 to buy it.

They cannot rent a house on the salary of the husband with 2 children dependant to be educated.


A Donor – 3000/-

Jazakallahu Khairan. May Allah bless him & his family!


(169) They Live in the Kitchen of someone else!


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