There are some muslimn villages in the Moneragala and Badulla District where there is no interaction with other Muslim villages. These villages are situated in rubber and tea estates in very remote areas surrounded by non-muslims. Most of them are living under poverty line and they deserve to get Zakath.
Therefore we appeal to allocate some zakath funds to these people, if you have any Zakath funds, for distribution among them during the holy month of Ramazan, Insha Allah.
Neglected Villages are
Batawatte Estate, Amunuduwa Estate, Parayangala Estate
Mahawelamulla, Kumbukan, Yalabowa, Hopton, Kotobowa
And also we are trying to help eople of following villages,
Kanulwela, Bakinigahawela, Alupotha
Buttala, Lunugala, Medagama, Passara – 13th Mile Post.
We hope you will make use of this golden opportunity to gain abundant rewards of Almighty Allah and render us your valuable contribution and support to help the needy.

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