Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu.
Those of us who have enough to fast in the blessed month of Ramadan !
Let’s remember those who do not have enough.
The people at Muthur are still at the receiving end. They have been asked not to go fishing and may asked to leave some areas due to the on going war. Already several Buddha statues had been erected and tension is mounting at some areas. How they are going to fast is a big question.
It is the duty of the rest of the umma to help them at least fast properly. The families living near the sea shore depending on fishing need help with dry rations.
If we can give them at least a dry ration pack of about Rs.5000 per family it could eliminate their grievances to a certain extent.
There are about 1000 such families who need help.
there are about 10 mosques int these areas. If we can arrange for free kanji in these mosques it will help them to break fast. A day’s kanji per mosque will cost around Rs.5000. Any help With dates too will be welcome.
We can get this done through the grass root level organisations.
Please help at least for one family. You can donate through whatever organisation you want to only keep us or MCSL informed so that the gifts will be distributed evenly. Needless to say, this could be from your zakath.
Fro further information call Mr. Ameen, Chairman , MCSL on 0777270032 or Mou. Abdul Rahman of Jamathe Islamiy on 0777418345
A Donor – Rs.42,000/-

A Donor – Rs.50,000/-
A Donor – Rs.5,000/-
A Donor – Rs.12,500/-


Jazakallah! May Allah bless them & their families!

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