(135) 2 Appeals for heart surgery [Fathima Ayesha from Wattala & Fathima Ilma from Panadura]


1. A mother working as a domestic help, from Wattala whose husband has left her has a girl child who has a hole in the heart.

She needs Rs.40,000 to get this surgery done as she collected Rs. 2,50,000 from various charities and presidents fund.

The surgery has postponed thrice since she could not come with the balance money.

2. A father from panadura has a child whose heart surgery is pending for want of Rs. 25,000

Both these can be donated from zakath money.

Would you please help?

Banking Info
Alhamdhulillah, an Ummah donated Rs.15,000/- for the hole in the heart & another Ummah donated Rs.15,000/- for the heart surgery.

May Allah bless them & their family!

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