Update:This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah! closed for donations.

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh!

The following students listed below have 1 final year to finish their MBBS (Names with held).
They were being sponsored by an organization through Almuslimaath, which cannot continue the sponsorship for this year.

We have been getting their progress report regularly and they need atleast Rs.2000/= per month.

1. A final year medical student of the University of Sri Jayawardenapura, hails from Mannar, North Sri Lanka. Father is a farmer. He has just one more year to complete. Family consists of 2 brothers and a sister. One brother is married and so is that sister. His grandfather also lives with them.

2. A final year medical student of the University of Sri Jayawardenapura, hails from Ampara, East Sri Lanka. Father is a labourer. He has 4 sisters and a brother. He got 3 of his sisters married with great difficulties.

3. A final year medical student of the University of Sri Jayawardenapura, hails from Mullaiteevu, Sri Lanka. He has 2 brothers and a sister, all of them are studying. His family was displaced during the 1990 ethnic problem and they’re living in a resettlement scheme in Puttlam.

4. A final year medical student of the University of Sri Jayawardenapura, hails from Batticoloa, East Sri Lanka. His father is a labourer and he has 2 sisters and 2 brothers.



Alhamdhulillah, May Allah bless the donors & their families!


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