Update:This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah! closed for donations.

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh!

I recieved the following appeal forwaded by a reliable sister in Almuslimaath.

Can anyone help even partially please?
Ms. S.Asfa and Master Ashiq are 2 twins aged 6 years, who cannot hear but Insha Allah should benifit from cochlear implant which should be done asap.

The surgery is estimated to cost upto 2.8 million SL Rs. depending on the model of Cochlear implant used for each twin.

They also need to attend to continuous rehabilitation program for few years.

All medical documents are available, if any donor wish to see them.

For now attached herewith are the photos of the twins.

This is indeed a very large amount of money even for someone with in the higher middle class group.

We know it’s a huge some for one person to bear, but I’m sure if many donors will assist this will not be too much of a burden.



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