Created on Sunday, 14 April 2013
Update:This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah! closed for donations.

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh!

Almuslimaath has always been reluctant to open an orphanage thinking that it will promote the single parent and the relatives to abundun the responsibility of bringing up the children.

However since of late we have been given the responsibility of some orphans who have nowhere to go and no oneo look after:

In one case the father has “sold” the child to someone who has been abusing the child and was rescued by the social service department and they having heard of us, handed over to us.

In another case the mother has gone abroad and the child has been shifted from house to house, place to place and she became very boisterous and aggressive- after being brought to Almuslimaath, she has settled down.

And as in the case of the grandmother, whose grandchildren were abused, we have to house them for some time until the matter was sorted out. We’re having an increasing number of reverts who had been abandoned by their “Muslim” boyfriends, some, because they felt the girls knew too much of Islam!

We also recieve some girls, who walks in and say they want to become muslims but cannot practice islam at home because they have no one to teach them. They’re at Almuslimaath with the consent of their parents.

We have been accomodating all these cases at Ummul Mu’mineen but ths has become impossible now, as the space at Ummul Mu’mineen is restricted. Considering all these facts and after much consultation we have decided, an orphanage is an essential need at present. We intend to train these people to be self-sufficient by provoding them with education, vocational training and religious guidance.

Incidentally the very next door to our office at P.T.De Silva Mawatha happend to fall vacant just now. It is a large house with 6 rooms, large garden and other facilities, Alhamdulillah!

Now we need your help to set up the place.
1. The rental is Rs.25,000/= per month (=25,000×12=300,000 per year)
2. The furnitures including tables, chairs, mattresses, cooking utensils etc. will cost Rs.100,000/=
3. The maintenance of the staff including a matron and cook will cost Rs.15,000/= per month (=Rs180,000 per year)
4. Each child will cost for food and education Rs.5,000 per month. Sponsorship of a child is Rs.60,000 per year.
Total for establishment and running cost for 1 year is Rs.640,000.
5. The incidental expenditure will be Rs.5,000/= per month-Rs.60,000 (55 USD), at present we have 8 children needing sponsorship.



A donor – 300,000 (one year rent)
A donor – 50 USD for one orphan (monthly)
A donor – 115,000
A donor – 1000 USD to start up the orphanage.

Donation received for one year rental & Incidential Expenses, Alhamdhlillah!

May Allah bless the donors & their families!

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