Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh!

We have recieved some more orphans’ applications.

The details are as follows:

Weligama orphans

M.Fazmi – 14years old (male)
M.Fazly – 10 years old (male)
M. Zihan – grade 9 (male)
F. Azra – grade 5 (female)
Yousuf Ahmed -grade 1(male)
M. Farhan -17 years (male)
M. Saffan – 6 years (male)
M. Rikfan – 4 years (male)

Refered by Moulaviya Aysha of Weligama

Contact number: 0777538872 / 0777949353

Please help them to have a decent life by giving them education

Donate jst Rs. 1000 (9 USD per month)


A donor- Rs.10,000
A donor- Rs. 3000 per month
By 23/08/2007 received Rs. 46,000 so far

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